Scriptwriting, Proofeading & Editing.
Putting ideas onto paper is HARD.
Did you spot the typo in the heading? No? Then you definitely need my services!
However, when it comes to writing a script, it’s far more than simply correct spelling. The way it sounds when read aloud is perhaps the most important part.
Try it yourself, next time you write a script, try reading it aloud. Chances are that what read well on paper simply doesn’t work when read aloud.
That’s what I’m here for.
We have all heard it before- a voice over that is clearly just reading the script in front of them, without checking.
We know it’s happened because they will read something that is clearly a typo, or simply doesn’t make sense!
I will proofread every script that comes across my desk, and anything that doesn’t seem right, I’ll double check with you. This saves so much time and money, because it minimises the amount to re-record!